'West Ashley Fitness takes a first look into the Commercial Series Recumbent Rehab Stepper CRS 800 S by Spirit Fitness installed at Imagine Physical Therapy Group in Charleston SC. Senior Fitness Professionals and Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Clinics use full body semi recumbent functional rehab trainers and steppers for patients recovering from or attempting to avoid knee and hip replacement. **************************************** PT Clinics Coding and Billing Therapeutic exercises and therapeutic activities should be clearly described in an initial treatment plan. CPT code 97110 is a therapeutic procedure, on one or more areas, each lasting 15 minutes. Therapeutic exercises are performed in either an active, active-assisted or passive (e.g., treadmill, recumbent stepper, isokinetic exercise, lumbar stabilization, stretching, strengthening) approach. The exercises may be reasonable and medically necessary for a loss or restriction of joint motion, strength, functional capacity or mobility that has resulted from a specific disease or injury. Documentation must show objective loss of joint motion, strength or mobility (e.g., degrees of motion, strength grades, levels of assistance). Therapeutic exercise includes activities related to strengthening, endurance training, range of motion, and flexibility. These activities can include use of free weights, exercise machines such as recumbent steppers and range of motion exercises (passive and active). Therapeutic exercises describe services aimed at improving a parameter, such as strength, range of motion, etc. CPT code 97530 is therapeutic activities, direct (one on one) patient contact by the provider (use of dynamic activities to improve functional performance), each 15 minutes. This procedure involves using functional activities (e.g., bending, lifting, carrying, reaching, catching and overhead activities) to improve functional performance in a progressive manner. The activities are usually directed at a loss or restriction of mobility, strength, balance or coordination. They require the professional skills of a provider and are designed to address a specific functional need of the patient. These dynamic activities must be part of an active treatment plan and directed at a specific outcome. Therapeutic activities can be thought of as the “ing” code – dynamic activities that work towards functional performance such as lifting, bending, pushing, pulling, jumping and reaching would be billed as 97530. *********************************************** Dealer Website & Phone: 888-504-3834 https://www.fitnessequipmentestore.com/Spirit_CRS800_Sit_Down_Elliptical_p/crs800.htm Manufacturer Site: http://spiritfitness.com/commercial-steppers.html Imagine Physical Therapy: https://imaginept.com/about Media Contact: tnorth@westashleyurgent.com'
Tags: exercise , physical therapy , Rehab , Spirit Fitness , nustep , CRS800 , Recumbent Stepper
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